Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How I Became Who I am Today.

When I started my Sophmore year of high school I never thought that I would be ending it like this...17 years old and 12 weeks pregnant.
I found out at the beginning of April (April 1st actually) that I was 4 weeks pregnant. It wasn't how I expected my life to go. I was going to graduate high school, go to college, get a job, find my soul mate, get married, and then have kids. That all changed on April 1st I wasn't just thinking about me anymore it was me and the baby I had growing inside me. I dropped out of high school at the end of that year and I also graduated that summer with my High School Diploma.

Now, you are probably wondering if the father is around. Yes, he is and he is an amazing father. He is in the Air Force and while it is a crazy ride it is also a fun one. We got married a month after our little one was born when he came home after graduating from tech school. It wasn't anything fancy but it was thrown together in a matter of a week, if even that.

A little more about my pregnancy, and my baby. The pregnancy was easy I didn't have any complications. At 19 weeks we found out that we were going to have a baby boy. I will just show you the foot instead of the actual gender picture for certain reasons.

The entire time I was pregnant I gained a total of 43 pounds. I was under weight to begin with so from my perspective I was okay with it and my doctor didn't see anything wrong with it either. At 20 weeks is when I really started to show. From then on there was no hiding anything. This is me at 37 weeks just a few days before I went into labor.  

The day I went into labor I was sitting in my doctor's office waiting room and I started feeling contractions but I had been having false labor so I didn't know if it was going to be real or not. When I went back she told me I was three centimeters and she made me go over to the hospital and get monitored for an hour and then she would come check again. When she came I was at four centimeters. She broke my water at 12:00pm and then it was go time. Hours passed but to me it seemed like minutes. At 6:45pm I gave birth to my sweet baby boy.
November 23rd
6 pounds 9 ounces
18.5 inches long.
My life was forever changed that day and I wouldn't trade what I have today for anything anyone can give me. My family is a blessing that I will never give up. I do wish that I had started this blog sooner and I will try to catch you all up on the last 10 months in a very short period of time. Tata for now. 